Friday, May 30, 2008

Greg Habstritt - Master Wealth Training Review: Is Greg Habstritt Authentic?

Direct, honest, upfront and focused. These are words that Greg Habstritt uses to describe himself. But should you believe him? Is Master Wealth Training a good investment?

Greg Habstritt is a Real Estate Investor in Calgary, Alberta Canada. I was originally introduced to Gregg at a T. Harv Ecker Peak Potentials course. As I watched Gregg on the stage I was impressed with his upfront style of speaking and the amount of valuable information he was willing to share with the audience about Real Estate. Additionally, he gave away equity in one of his commercial investments to one of 6 graduates of his course that had become millionaires. One thing that really stood out for me was how genuine and sincere that he seemed. "Finally," I thought, "a real person on stage." At the end of his talk, Greg offered a course on Real Estate Investing that sounded like a great opportunity.

I'm not really into investing in real estate, so I decided to pass on Greg's course at the time. However, I felt inspired enough that I have no problem recommending people check out what he is teaching at Master Wealth Training. Just remember, like anything, this is an investment you'll want to research for yourself.

One of my friends took the Master Wealth course in the spring of 2008. She has since quit her job and began focusing on acquiring property to start a group home. I asked her about Greg Habstritts program. My friend has been nothing but positive about Greg and the quality of his content. However, she did mention that there were some issues she had with one of the people he brought in to speak about finance. I don't know who that person was and have no details on the specifics of the issues. Yet, my friend maintained a optimistic attitude and recommends the course.

Inspired, I took an opportunity at another Peak Potentials course to sign up for 60 days of free Master Wealth training. Greg threw in a copy of his book which contains a version of the book Think and Grow Rich which is now in the public domain. Will my 60 day trial be worth the time and effort? I'll keep you posted. For now, Greg Habstritt and Master Wealth Training are in my smarter life plan.

You might be interested in checking out Master Wealth Training and Greg Habstritt for yourself.

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